Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Puzzle of Multiple Food Restrictions

Real Food
The easiest way to transition into the gluten-free world is to eat real food! Vegetables, legumes, and fruit are naturally gluten-free, as are basic cuts of meat, poultry, and fish. Eggs are gluten-free and a great source of protein. And dairy products such as milk, butter, and non-processed cheese are also gluten-free.

Gluten-Free with Multiple Food Restrictions
It's similar to solving a puzzle when you or other members of your household have multiple food allergies or restrictions.  Trying to shop while avoiding certain types of food challenges us to read every label carefully!  Some products clearly mark when they are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, or Vegan, etc.

Reading Labels is Key
This week my goal while shopping was to find food that is gluten-free, as well as Vegan (contains no type of animal product), without solely relying on soy as the main protein source.  I also didn't want to spend the entire grocery budget on pre-packaged items.  This proved challenging!

I personally don't do well with soy, corn, or peanuts, so I try to avoid these ingredients as much as possible.  That becomes tricky when I'm buying pre-made gf baking mixes, because they often contain corn flour and corn starch.  I look for mixes that contain tapioca or potato flours/starches if possible.  Finding a pre-made gf bread also became a challenge, because several brands contained eggs (not Vegan) and/or corn flour/starch.  To stay with the Vegan plan for my daughter, I chose the one with corn, since she will eat more of it than I will.  This is when making baked goods ourselves becomes the most practical and usually more cost effective way to go.  You can purchase various gluten-free flours in bulk and create your own blend to suit your needs.  My mom makes a wonderful gf chocolate cake with her own blend of flour!

Keeping it Real!
Again, eating real food and preparing meals from scratch is the best way to ensure your diet is free of culprit ingredients.  There are easy ways to do this and tricks to making actual meal prep time manageable in our fast-paced lives!

So far our favorite pre-packaged choices that meet the criteria of being Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Corn-Free, and Vegan!


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