Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moms Naturally,
who are we?

Ever since we could reach the kitchen counter, by standing on a chair, our parents encouraged us to work with food. Our great teachers were Mom, Dad and numerous cookbooks!

Now that we are moms ourselves we also enjoy having our girls in the kitchen, rolling out cookies, patting down bread dough, or just watching mushrooms saute! Food has been our lives!

We wish to thank our families for their continued support in our endeavors and our awesome Creator who continues to fill us with inspiration!
We hope that by sharing with you a little taste of our lives, your life will be enriched, naturally!

- JBW and KLJ

1 comment:

  1. My name is Viola from NJ. In 2010 I downloaded a recipe called Spelt Pancakes. At that time, I was in need of recipe for breakfast foods . I have today used it and I want to tell you it is and was awesome. Light, easy to put together and the taste was what I call "the bomb". I now have a recipe to fix waffles with also. Thank You soo much for this beautiful recipe. Oh, one suggestion" please make the font bigger, and also, who did your website cause I want one. Be Safe and hope to hear from you soon.
    Viola from NJ .
